Signing Ceremony between E-Mart and Altai Holding
On 24th of April 2014, our Company has signed a Cooperation Agreement with E-Mart Co., Ltd., one of the leading companies of South Korea, to open E-Mart Chain Stores in Mongolia. For the first time in Mongolian history, E-Mart’s new Hypermarkets will bring world-class service and high quality products that have met all international health requirements for all citizens of Mongolia.
E-Mart, the top retailer company in South Korea, has 30 years of rich history in the industry and 150 store branches all over South Korea, Vietnam and China. E-Mart is the leading eco-friendly firm in the market with the latest technology and eco green system.
The first flagship store for Mongolia is scheduled to open in Ulaanbaatar in 2015 with further plans to open more branches all over Mongolia. For the construction of E-Mart Mongolia’s flagship store, we will be cooperating with Korean construction companies and together we will build E-Mart Hypermarket as an eco-friendly retail store that leads towards solving the current environmental issues of Ulaanbaatar. In order to do so, we plan to use solar energy for 40% of our energy consumption, decrease waste and plan to take under the latest technologies to re-use our water supply. Our mission is to become a green and eco friendly company.
In 2001, Altai Holding was the first company to bring in a western supermarket system into Mongolia. Sky Department Store was the 1st department store in Mongolia that met all international standards. With over 10 years of experience in the trade sector, our Company has been recognized as a model forerunner firm.
We hope our hard efforts will bring life’s true happiness to our customers.
E-Mart - Smart Living

Sky Trading LLC to open E-Mart in Mongolia
The retail chain signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Mongolian trading firm Altai Holdings to provide support for opening branches in Mongolia and share its 20-year retail expertise with the local firm, according to E-mart.
Altai Holding runs various businesses internationally from retail to telecommunication. It was founded in 1991 in Mongolia.
E-mart plans to send its staff to Mongolia to set up E-mart’s management and IT system there. It also plans to open a supermarket there in cooperation with the Mongolian firm.
“E-mart will continue to cooperate with Altai Group, aiming at opening our first branch in Mongolia by the end of next year, as well as some six branches in the near future,” Hur Inn-chul, former CEO of E-mart said in a statement.
The two firms started holding cooperation talks since April 2013.

Luol Deng promoted his charity foundation during Naadam visit
Тэрбээр монгол наадмыг үзэж, сонирхох ганцхан зорилгоор долдугаар сарын 11-нд Улаанбаатарт буусан Луол Дэнг үндэсний бөхийн барилдаан үзэж, Хүй долоо худагт соёолонгийн тоосонд хийморио сэргээв. Мөн тэрбээр хүмүүнлэгийн үйлст гар бие оролцож өчигдөр орой Үндэсний соёл амралтын хүрээлэнд болсон “Silence White” шоунд оролцон Монголын сагсан бөмбөг сонирхогч залуустай үдшийг өнгөрүүлсэн байна.
Зөвхөн “Чикаго Буллс”-ын тоглогч төдийгүй, Английн шигшээ багийн ахлагч тэрбээр монгол орон өөрийг нь найрсаг зочломтгой тоссонд талархаж, манай сагсан бөмбөгийн хөгжилд амжилт хүссэн юм.